Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sleep is Good!

For the first time in, i dont know how many years, I slept for 13 hours at a stretch! No worries of
the exams going staring me in my face, no worries of missing grub, no worries of the phone ringing, and most importantly no worries of being woken up by my own guilt! :P

On a more serious note, I am still feeling sleepy and i dont know what is wrong with me! It has just been about 3 hours since i woke up after 13 hours, and out of those 3 hours i have slept again for 1!! Still feeling sleepy and i have no idea how to stop it! No classes in the morning and it feels like the whole world is so in favour of me sleeping again for a "while"! :D :D :D

I just realized how much i LOVE sleeping!Laziness rocks!